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The Aurora Avery Arts logo

Sep 7, 2024

2 min read




We wanted to make sure that the logo for Aurora Avery Arts was something that not only represented who we are, but who Avery was as well. I'm a strong believer in the power of a logo for a brand. You want to create something that not only represents your business and products, but something that someone would want on a sweatshirt, coffee mug or as a sticker on their laptop. Simply put, it needs to be visually appealing, while at the same time not being too complicated or busy.

So the first task, was to create something that incorporated the name into the design itself. We chose "Aurora" as part of the name given our operation is based in Alaska. That also gave us the neat fact that all 3 words in the brand start with the letter "A". So we thought about how we could incorporate that into the visual design. It turned out to be evident that we could have 3 mountain peaks that accomplish this, with the largest mountain representing the most important word in the brand - Avery.

Having the aurora borealis being present in the night sky above the mountain peaks is probably my favorite part of the logo. The aurora's variation of colors between green and blue give it a beautiful visual appeal that lends itself to the colors we use in our products.

Next, we knew we needed to include a wolf. The wolf was Avery's spirit animal. After visiting Yellowstone when she was about 8 years old, she fell in love with wolves, and continued that passion the remainder of her life. Her group of friends were very much like a pack, and she was fiercely protective of them. She liked to draw wolves, and when it was time to get rid of most of her stuffies, the wolves were absolutely not going. So the wolf is very much at the center of our logo, representing Avery, howling in the night in the light of the full moon and the northern lights, calling her pack to come together and spread love and beauty to the world.

Lastly, we wanted a classic typeface for the lettering, something that would be enduring but not boring, with an off-white color that would set it apart from the white snow in the mountains.

Put together, we feel it really represents not only who Avery was, but who she is now, in our lives and the lives of those she knew and loved. Through our endeavors with Aurora Avery Arts, we hope to spread some of her love, uniqueness and quirky nature with the world, and we think the logo captures that. We're pretty sure that Avery would love it. We hope you do, too.

Sep 7, 2024

2 min read




Comments (3)

Sep 08, 2024

Absolutely perfect! 💖💖💖


Sep 07, 2024

This is so beautiful and special!

Sep 07, 2024
Replying to

Thank you ❤️, we think it is, too!

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